Sep 13, 2010

Fun at the Fair

Whenever I mention the state fair to someone there is an immediate reaction of either love or hate -- no in between. I'm not sure why people feel so strongly about fairs, but I like to think of the them as a time capsule and social experiment all rolled into one. Where else can you find vintage tractors and award winning animals alongside winery booths and inappropriately dressed adults?

I love everything from the corn dogs and funnel cakes to the rodeos, and of course, the world's best people watching! The Great State Fair of Oklahoma comes to Oklahoma City this Thursday and I can't wait to go. In addition to the state fair, many county fairs are also going on this month. While these events are much smaller, they are often just as entertaining and usually free.

Despite living in Cleveland County for more than 10 years, I've never been to the Cleveland County fair until this weekend. There were carnival rides, a petting zoo, lots of vendor booths, the state's oldest farmers' market, and a line up of livestock showings from local FFA students -- all for free.

Of course, Grayson was drawn to the long row of tractors on display. He's currently obsessed with all kinds of construction and farming equipment so this was a big hit.

The city boy is ready to do some farmin'

The Cleveland County Fair may be over, but there are several others across the state scheduled for later this month. Also, if you are a fan of the State Fair, come visit Austin and I as we hand out free brochures and trip planning info at the Tourism booth in the Oklahoma Expo Hall. We'd love to meet you in person.

And not to get too promotional on you, but any Foursquare users can check in at our booth and complete an entry for a chance to win an iPod Touch. And if you haven't already done so, join our friend network at -- yes, Oklahoma is only the third state in the nation to launch it's own officially branded Foursquare page. Kinda cool.

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